This is Reid and Genna at IHOP for my birthday breakfast last week. Aren't they cute? Everytime I look at this picture, I can't stop laughing. Enjoy!
Cluff Corner
loving life
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life...
... and I'm feeling good.
Goodbye 2009, and the first trimester blues, and hello 2010! I am looking forward to these next few months of relative comfort (physically), and then to another happy & healthy baby (hopefully). I have good feelings about this year, and I hope it doesn't let me down.
This song says it all. And no, it's not over the top. I secretly wish that I was a Broadway diva, and Reid secretly wishes I was Canadian, so it's perfect!
P.S. Hilarious video of Genna dancing to follow, for those of you who read this blog for her.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
This time it's real...
Well, unlike last time, this time it's for real. As you can see in the picture above we will be having a baby! Rebecca is 11 weeks along and her due date is on July 2, 2010. Sorry for the poor quality of the picture, but our scanner doesn't work and so I had to take a picture of the picture. We are really excited and can't wait for the new addition to our family. Hopefully, Genna will be just as excited to share her parents, but there's plenty of time to teach her that before next summer, right?
Friday, November 6, 2009
SYTYCD (and a little falsehood)
Isn't it great how you can go back in time with Blogger? I went to this concert on November 5, but never got around to posting these pictures. Even though today is January 9, 2010, I am going to pretend that it is November 6, 2009.
If you don't know what SYTYCD means, move along.
Reid and I are big fans of So You Think You Can Dance, and have enjoyed watching real dancers perform real choreography, not like some other "dancing" shows (ahem, Dancing with the "Stars"). (Although, it is true that quite a few of the Professionals on that show were previous contestants on SYTYCD. Good for them!) (Who knows where the "Stars" come from...moving on).
So, when my dear friend Jane emailed me with the great news that she had access to FREE tickets, I was so excited! To top it off, Reid scored us tickets to the aftershow so we could meet the dancers. Awesome!
Jane had another ticket, so I was able to invite my friend, Katey, who as another young mother, hasn't been to a concert in awhile. The three of us had a great time. Unfortunately, we forgot to take a picture of us having a great time. Just believe me. I also tried to take a picture during the concert, but that didn't work so well.
The concert lasted longer than we expected, and however pathetic it is to admit, we were so tired, we considered not staying for the aftershow. I know, we sound old and lame. But we stayed, and here is proof!
Well, I feel so much better now that this event has been publicly documented. Now on to Genna... :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!!! In celebration of this "sweet" holiday (pun intended), we have posted a few pictures of our adorable little girl. Please enjoy this montage of pictures to see what we did for Halloween.

This is her costume (thank you Grandma Cluff!). She's a butterfly-fairy princess. Notice the pretty glitter on her cheeks (thank you Mommy!). She loved being able to play with Mommy's make up without going into time-out.
Here's Genna counting up her loot. It's her first time trick-or-treating!

Oh how she loves her pumpkin....
Here she is after enjoying a few too many pieces of chocolate. Notice her halo headband and wings are now off, she's exited the princess persona...
Sorry, Genna, Daddy gutted your pumpkin. But at least it still looks awesome. He sure is a good "carver".
Genna loved my (Reid's ) carving so much she decided to imitate it using her famous "freeze frame" face.

Finally, she decided to take a nice picture next to her new found friend. Does this picture look familiar...I'm calling it "Halloween Gothic".
Happy Halloween Everyone! Until next year.....
Winter is Here!
Winter has arrived with our first ice storm. The storm was on the weekend and I (Reid) had to work the CC Hockey games. On Saturday night, which was the heart of the storm, it took me ten minutes to chip the ice off of my car so that I could drive it. I thought to myself "should I just go home, which is right over the hill, or should I use this awesome 2 for 1 Josh & John's coupon and drive downtown?" Well as you may know, the only time before this that I've posted anything on this blog it was about how much I love J & J's ice cream.
So, needless to say, I decided to take my life into my hands and take advantage of this awesome coupon and drive 10 mph downtown from the World Arena. All the while I was driving, I was just thinking what would happen if I got in an accident all because I wanted to eat a delicious treat? Well, 30 minutes later, I arrived to find that I was their very last customer of the night (although I was surprised to find that I was not the only customer of the night, there wasn't even that much parking to be found downtown let alone the 20+ people who were in Josh and John's eating ice cream) because they were closing early. 30 minutes after that, Rebecca and I were safely eating this delicious ice cream on our couch. What a way to celebrate the arrival of Winter: Hockey, Ice Storms, and Ice Cream!
Last Summer Post
Colorado Springs has a great park here called America the Beautiful Park, which has an amazing water feature. Every Wednesday during the summer, they have a farmer's market and free outdoor concert, so Reid and I decided to check it out. The concert was not impressive, but Genna loved splashing in the water!
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