Sunday, April 12, 2009

April Showers on My Calendar

April has been and is going to be CRAZY!!! Let's see...we went to Denver to visit Reid's cousins for General Conference, my parents and little brother flew in yesterday and leave Wednesday, Reid's parents fly in Wednesday and leave Sunday, that next week I have something almost every evening (three things that I must plan/prepare for), that Saturday is packed as well, and then the following weekend, Genna and I fly to Utah for Women's Conference and my sister's graduation. Whew - aren't you tired just reading that?

So. I am determined not to let this craziness destroy my renewed determination to stay connected through blogging and commenting (or exercise, but that's another story...). This will just give me more to blog about, right? :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Wow! That's a lot of hyperlinks.