Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life...

... and I'm feeling good.

Goodbye 2009, and the first trimester blues, and hello 2010! I am looking forward to these next few months of relative comfort (physically), and then to another happy & healthy baby (hopefully). I have good feelings about this year, and I hope it doesn't let me down.

This song says it all. And no, it's not over the top. I secretly wish that I was a Broadway diva, and Reid secretly wishes I was Canadian, so it's perfect!

P.S. Hilarious video of Genna dancing to follow, for those of you who read this blog for her.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April Showers on My Calendar

April has been and is going to be CRAZY!!! Let's see...we went to Denver to visit Reid's cousins for General Conference, my parents and little brother flew in yesterday and leave Wednesday, Reid's parents fly in Wednesday and leave Sunday, that next week I have something almost every evening (three things that I must plan/prepare for), that Saturday is packed as well, and then the following weekend, Genna and I fly to Utah for Women's Conference and my sister's graduation. Whew - aren't you tired just reading that?

So. I am determined not to let this craziness destroy my renewed determination to stay connected through blogging and commenting (or exercise, but that's another story...). This will just give me more to blog about, right? :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Golden Rule: Comments

Hi. My name is Rebecca, and I have a problem.

It's a problem that many of you may share with me. Some may consider it normal while others consider it rude or even verging on illegal. What am I talking about?

The act of reading others blogs while never commenting, also known as: lurking.

With Facebook and blogs, it is so easy to follow someone's life, and keep up on their activities without actually connecting with them. Then, I sit at home, refreshing my blog to see if anyone has commented. Ironic? Yes.

I am changing my ways. Right now. From here on out, I am committing to being more communicative and less stalkerish. I will actually take the time to type up the thoughts that I have and share them (at least the nice ones), instead of just moving on to the next thing.

I won't beg (oh please!), but just know how much I LOVE reading comments. Maybe this will start a mini-revolution in my little blogging world.

In summary: follow the Golden Rule and share the love. And don't be surprised if I know more about you than you may think ( that verging on creepy?)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Sorry for the three-week hiatus. I've been really busy taking care of our new pet elephant. (That's more interesting than the real reason...which is nothing.)

So, Happy Valentine's Day! Here are a few lovey pictures.

My sister mailed us Valentines, and here is Genna opening hers...

...with her mouth. :)

For breakfast today, we had pink heart-shaped waffles. Yum!

Don't you just love Genna's pajamas? You can't help but love her.

Today was wonderful, even though Reid is at work and I am at home. It's ok - he is making big $ at Carrabba's, and I am comforted with Grey's Anatomy and my blog.

This morning, we had the opportunity to attend the temple together, for the first time in over a year (well, that's not entirely true, but the first time we've attended a session). It was so wonderful; I felt so happy and peaceful, I didn't want to leave. I thought back to our wedding day, and pondered how far we have come. Heck, we have a daughter! And isn't she great? I can't wait for my whole family, and all my children, to join me in the temple.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's FINALLY cold!

Today it finally feels like end of fall/beginning of winter, like it's supposed to. The weather has been so nice through most of October and November, and I have really enjoyed and taken advantage of each day. We've gone to the zoo and walked at the park many times. Two days ago, I went outside in short-sleeved t-shirt because the high was 74 degrees!!!

Although it has been nice, it has put me in a state of denial about the passage of time. I cannot believe that Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is well on its way. How could I, it felt like summer? Well, today, I almost believe it. It's about 34 degrees right now, and overcast. No snow, but still a wintry feel.

(Un)fortunately, it won't last. Tomorrow will be back in the 50's and then 60's next week. I'm really not sure if I should be complaining or rejoicing. I just hope winter doesn't last through June just to make up for it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pocket Full of Sunshine

My house is a little bit chilly today, but I feel perfectly warm. The sun is shining through the window on my back as I sit here and type. It feels wonderful. Memories of curling up in the sunny spot on the floor of our house in Texas 15 years ago come to my mind. I love sunshine...

(And yes, I took that picture. :) )